"He must have done something. They don't kill you for nothing." - Chicago Gangster Ted Newberry. Rubbed out January 7, 1933

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Personally, I think it was Elsie & Elmer

Twas ninety-years ago today that two bandits liberated nearly ten grand from the Borden Milk Company’s Westside operation which was located at 400 West 29th Street. As was custom the branch superintendent Bill Thieler went to the companies stables across the street and got a company buggy and brought it up to the Borden building. Once the buggy arrived company cashier Bill Fowler stepped out of the building with a tin box containing $9,853 in cash and another $600 in checks.

As Fowler approached the buggy a passing pedestrian suddenly grabbed him and placed his hand over his mouth and pushed the cashier up against a railing. The man then pushed a pistol in Fowler’s stomach. Simultaneously another man trained a pistol on Thieler and grabbed the cash box from the cashier’s hand.
The gunmen then ran a short distance down the street, waving their pistols at any would be heroes, and jumped into a Ford and made their getaway. The milk employees stood by helpless with their horse and buggy. Technology favors the criminal.

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